A Vida O Universo E Tudo O Mais Pdf
O Universo E As Galaxias
I've just read the most extraordinary thing. In the US version of the third novel of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Life, the Universe and Everything, the word 'Belgium' is used to replace the word 'fuck' which was in the British publication.Apparently Douglas Adams' American publishers thought that some of the language in the book was too crude for Americans and asked him to take out the words 'fuck', 'asshole' and 'shit'. Adams' replaced asshole with kneebiter, shit with swut and fuck w [.]. Arthur Dent finds himself living alone, on prehistoric Earth, in a cold, damp cave. His friend Ford Prefect, bored, has wandered off, early on, without saying a word, to Africa, Arthur learns, later. The duo, time traveled here, not voluntarily, and have tried to adjust. The whole gang, has been scattered all through the Galaxy.