Princeton University, BA in English (Honors). National Geographic, The Christian Science Monitor, and CNN-go, among others. Location San Francisco Bay Area. Honors Intro to Computer Science (COMS W1007). Honors Program, Honors Student Advisory Committee, Computer Science Club. Columbia University: B.A., Creative Nonfiction. Columbia university science honors program test monitor.

Taylor swift today was a fairytale lyricsTaylor

Today Was A Fairytale Taylor

This is literally the only album I don’t fully love. I like maybe 6 of the songs from the album, the rest I just couldn’t even force myself to like, the rest of the songs were a little cringy and somewhat annoying, they lost all heart that the old Taylor used to have. Tupi 2d animation software for windows. But my little sister seems to really love this album so congrats to Taylor for staying relevant and adapting her music no matter how many of her dedicated fans it pisses off. All in all I’m still a huge fan of her as a person and a musician, and will continue too follow her on her amazing career path. Honestly, I have a love-hate relationship with Taylor Swift. She's such an amazing songwriter and her courage and brilliance when it comes to evolving her music, she's a genius.