Hardy Fishing Rods Serial Numbers
Customer reply replied 6 years ago. I also have a Hardy Brothers salmon fly rod 12 ft E36711 serial number. It is in the original metal tube and has not been touched for more than 50 years. What about it. Orvis Superfine 7' 2p 2t. For WF6 line. Serial number 59252, 2 5/8 oz. Richly flamed and impregnated Orvis cane, 3 x 3 node spacing, tips mirror matched, chrome snakes and Mildrum stripper wrapped in original translucent chocolate, Superfine style cork grip, reel seat is two aluminum bands over mortised cork.
Army & Navy CSL London Salmon reel. Diameter measures 3 1/2 inches with wide drum. Nickel silver spool screw. The smooth brass reel foot has 4 screws. The serial number A 2217 is stamped on the side of the reel foot. The inside winding plate has the Farlow's 'Holdfast' trademark. The number 1 is stamped on the crank plate, the spool and inside tensioner plate.
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Hardy Rods For Sale
Brass strapped tensioner. Gunmetal finish.
Scratched on the side plate is M de P and 1920. We believe this reel dates to be early 1900s. Very good condition.
Hello and Welcome Guest, Greg, Ron and everyone, I trust that this reply finds you all doing well and that you are being 'blessed!' I am doing G-R-E-A-T!!! I hope that this information assists you in your quest in obtaining information concerning the old Hardy fishing r-o-d! There were other articles listed on the internet pertaining to the Hardy history.
Also, I would like to invite you all to sign-up and become a member of Fishing Talks as member you can submit questions and answer questions, post blogs, share your fishing experiences and lots and lots more -- PLUS. It is F-R-E-E!!! So why not get signed up and become a member learn more about the sport of fishing, share your knowledge of the sport along with many other members and assist those needing help in the art of fishing? Remember, it is F-R-E-E and NO STRINGS ATTACHED!!! Have a 'magnificent' and 'blessed' day!!! In His Service, MoDoc -1 E39799-E?/Y 1904 A1028-A5631 1938 E45175-E?/L 1905 A5632-A E45175-E?/D 1906 A12936-A E49493-E?/X 1907 A19314-A E52332-E?/M 1908 A27257-A E53645-E?/Q 1909 A35342-A E55131-E?/H 1910 A44906-A E56091-E?/V 1911 A55753-A E56400-E?/E 1912 A66153-A E56856-E F/W 1913 A76110-A E56901-E?/G 1914 A86338-A E60709-E?/T'?'
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Hardy Fishing Rods
1915 A94722-A1 E63387-E 1?/A 1916 A100042-A10 E67201-E 1?/S 1916 B1021-B7889 1950 E70991-E 1?/J 1917 B7890-B E75101-E 1?/B 1918 B12147-B E81001-E 1?/K 1919 B16426-B E86201-E 1?/P 1919 C11-C186 1954 E91001-E 1?/O 1920 C187-C H101-H4600 1993 1?/C 1921 C10406-C H4601-H 1?/Y 1922 C16733-C H10122-H 1?/L 1922 D171-D2041 1958 H14128-H 1?/D 1923 D2042-D3399 1959 H20679-H 1?/X 1924 D3400-D5930 1960 H27535-H 1?/M © 1993-2005 All Rigths Reserved. Design by The MisteryFly.Com.