How To Make Ps2 Games Look Better On Ps3
I am in the market for a PS3. I think I am finally going to make the plunge. I have owned an original NES, a Nintendo Gamecube, a Nintendo Wii now. I also own an XBox. NEVER had a PS2. As I am looking to pick up a PS3 for the first time, I am interested in playing some PS2 games that I have missed.Do they look better on a PS3 than they did/would on a PS2?
How To Make Ps2 Games
I also have heard that the Backward Compatibility (BC) of the new PS3 80GB is not as good as it was/is on the original 60GB model. What does this mean? The software emulator is not as good? I look forward to your responses. ------------------------------------------------ EDIT: I had this afterthought in post #23 below. Thought I should put it here at the start for reference too: I think I should have referenced in my original post.
How To Make Ps2 Games Look Better On Ps3 Games
That depends on the game and it also depends on what you mean by 'look better'. Let's take Final Fantasy X as an example. PCSX2 is capable of rendering the game at much higher resolutions than the PS3 remaster so in that sense, the PS2 copy emulated on PCSX2 looks better. If your playing ps2 games on your ps3 they tend not to look as good as when u play them on your ps2. The whole backwards compatibility thing isn't all that great. Play them on your ps2 they will look better. HD tv won't make a difference with these games.
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