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Star Wars Rpg Saga Edition The Unknown Regions Pdf Viewer

Star Wars Rpg Saga Edition The Unknown Regions Pdf Viewer Free

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As a project I decided to write up species rules for Yoda's race for SWSE. Just because George Lucas has decided to be mysterious about this issue (I guess this is to Lucas what the fate of the Entwives and Tom Bombadil's true nature was to Tolkien in terms of the great mystery of the setting the creator will never reveal) and therefore the official RPG can't have stats for it, that doesn't mean that we can't make our own. After some research on Wookieepedia and reading through other SWSE species descriptions I've come up with this homebrew write up that adheres to known Star Wars canon and has gone out of it's way to avoid making assumptions that may be contradicted. Feedback and commentary would be appreciated.

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Tridactyl Tridactyls are members of a diminutive reptilian race that is found throughout the galaxy. The Tridactyl race is shrouded in mystery. Even the name 'Tridactyl' is a descriptive term first applied to them by Republic scientists because of their three-fingered hands. The Tridactyls have no apparent knowledge of their homeworld, heritage or even a name for themselves (or at least none that they share with outsiders). They first appeared in known space several millennia ago in small numbers, and still live in isolated communities where they stay away from the galactic mainstream.

Their reclusiveness has lead to many myths, rumors and wild speculation. The Tridactyls are often mistaken for Lanniks, or even Whills, although they are a distinct species. The Tridactyls are naturally talented with the Force. While they are not all Force Sensitive (contrary to common belief), force sensitivity is much more common in Tridactyls than in other races and they tend to be very powerful Force users. Personality: Tridactlys are humble, playful, and slow to anger.

Physical Description: Tridactyls average about 0.7 meters tall. They are green or greenish-brown skinned with large pointed ears and three digits on each hand, with small vestigial claws. Hair tends to be sparse and white or grey. Homeworld: Unknown. The home of the Tridactyl race is lost to history and even the Tridactyls do not seem to know where they originally came from.

The Unknown Regions Pdf

A few small and hidden communities of them have been documented throughout the galaxy, tending to be on undeveloped worlds on the Outer Rim or in Wild Space. Languages: Tridactyls speak, read, and write Basic (although often an idiosyncratic dialect using non-standard grammar and sentence construction). They often learn other languages as well, including obscure ones. Example Names: Yoda, Yaddle, Minch, Vandar Tokare Adventurers: Tridactlys are reclusive and few of their already small number go on adventures. Their natural inclination towards the Force means that most Tridactyls that leave their communities for the greater galaxy become Jedi.

Tridactyl Species Traits Tridactyls share the following species traits: Ability Modifier: +2 Wisdom, +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength. Tridactyls are insightful and bright, but are physically frail. Small Size: As Small creatures, Tridactyls gain a +1 size bonus to their Reflex Defense and a +5 size bonus on Stealth checks. However, their lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of Medium characters. Speed: Tridactyl base speed is 4 squares.

Conditional Bonus Feat: Tridactyls have a natural aptitude for using the Force. A Tridactyl with Use The Force as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Use The Force) as a bonus feat Bonus Feat: Tridactyls gain Strong In The Force as a bonus feat. Automatic Languages: Basic. Speed: I don't know why small creatures are *that* much slower in SAGA than in 4e. Pretty straightforward, but I'd give them their own language to explain the grammar use of Yoda.

Star Wars Rpg Saga Edition The Unknown Regions Pdf Viewer Download

Apparently, or so I'm told, he uses the sentence structure of Latin, while everyone else uses modern English. I wonder if his homeworld was destroyed by some earlier version of a world-destroying Death Star. It would explain why he's the only one we know of, especially if his people (like hobbits) never left home (without prompting, I guess). I also wonder if he shouldn't have a Jump skill bonus, or dexterity rather than Int. Wis for sure is good. I don't think Yoda used the given standard array, so I don't think we can deduce racial modifiers soley from that.