Devta is a narrow escape novel which is written by Mohiuddin Nawab in Urdu Language. It was first published in 1977 which almost continue till 2010. Devta is the journal of Farhad Ali Taimoor, a man who achieves visionary power. Mohiuddin Nawab is very popular and social novel writer of the Pakistan as well as in the whole world where Urdu language is common. Mohiuddin Nawab is playing vital role in the whole world by writing outstanding fictional novels. Devta is the title of the novel which denotes that ‘God’ or in simple words God of Hindu doctrine.

Abdullah Novel Part 3


Farhad Ali Taimoor has the strong relationship with outside powers and working for the secrets agents. They are known as most strong powerful group in the whole world. Mohiuddin Nawab is providing very interesting stories in all the novels which is readout by thousand fans so they also demand fictional novels more as well so it is the basic reason that Mohiuddin Nawab mostly spent their valuable time to think and write fiction novels according to the demand of their fans as well need of the literature so it is very hardworking to write such a amazing interesting Urdu fiction novels.

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