
Title Caro diario [videorecording] / Angelo Barbagallo presenta; un film di Nanni Moretti; una coproduzione Sacher Film, Banfilm - La Sept Cinema, Studio Canal+; prodotto da Angelo Barbagallo e Nanni Moretti; un film scritto e diretto da Nanni Moretti. Variant title English title on subtitles and disc label: Dear diary Format DVD, Videodisc Published/Produced [England]: Arrow Films, c2009.

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The michael buble collection zip saks. Description 1 videodisc (97 min.): sd., col.; 4 3/4 in. Cast Nanni Moretti, Renato Carpentieri, Antonio Neiwiller, Claudia Della Seta, Lorenzo Alessandri, Raffaella Lebboroni, Marco Paolini, Moni Ovadia, Riccardo Zinna. Credits Director of photography, Giuseppe Lanci; music, Nicola Piovani; editor, Mirco Garrone. System details DVD; PAL; region 2; 4:3 aspect; Dolby digital 2.0 stereo. Language In Italian with English subtitles. Summary In three chapters, Moretti uses the experiences of traveling on his motor-scooper, cruising with his friend around a set of remote islands in search of peace to finish his film and consulting doctor after doctor to cure his annoying--and terrifyingly misdiagnosed--rash in a charming and humorous look at his life and the lives of those around him.