C:\program Files\ea Games\the Sims 2\csbin\ts2bodyshop.exe
Double-click on that to open it. Now you need to find the folder called Program Files and double-click to open that one. Then find and open the folder called EA Games. Then open the one that is called The Sims 2. Now open the TSData folder, then the Res folder and finally the Sims3D folder. C: PROGRAM FILES EA Games The Sims 2 TSData Res Sims3D. หรือเข้าไปเปิดโดยตรงได้จาก C: Program Files EA Games เดอะซิมส์ 2 CSBin TS2BodyShop.exe. Sep 05, 2005 browser highjacked, possible trojan - posted in Virus, Spyware, Malware Removal: I Havent been able to open folders, not even a search on the computer, without literally hundreds (earlier I had around 786) of RUNDLL popups coming up. Each time I run Ad-Aware scan I get a possible browser highjacked object. And I also keep getting that a new Internet Explorer Add-On has been installed on. If you want to you can download my version of Sims 2 Body Shop from: You just need to put the extracted file in 'C.
The Sims
I hope this helps a little ^^: and not only her, its for all of you and anyone wants to try playing with Sims skin ^_^ so lets start: 1. Open a project file for sims skin, usually located here C: Documents and Settings Smile My Documents EA Games The Sims 2 Projects.
There are a lot of files here, depending on age, sex. So lets see hmmm. I will chose male adult. For this choose five files I know it looks four but I forget one baka mori 2. Now lets start with the face, Add new layer so you can play around your drawing without messing up the basic skin.
Lets go back to the basic skin to change its color, go to: Image -> Adjustment-> Hue/Saturation or simply press Ctrl+U. I am in the horror mood for some reason whats new so would make a zombie >83 You can play a lot with the colors here and that goes to the other skins too.
Using 17+ brush or any brush you have draw some blood or whatever you desire ^_^ Argh it does look fake DX 5. Using the smudge tool smooth the lines so it would look much neater its me really am not great at drawing straight lines.- this makes life easier X3.
Secara konkrit, kebijakan baru desentralisasi yang dimulai tahun 1999 adalah salah satu bentuk reformasi politik dan pemerintahan disamping Amandemen UUD 1945, penghapusan Dwifungsi ABRI, dan pemberantasan KKN. Walaupun demikian, beberapa dampak negatif nampaknya tidak d a pat dihindari. Dalam laporannya, SMERU (2002: 21-22 ) mengungkap fakta banyaknya daerah yang memberlakukan berbagai pungutan baru yang berpotensi menghambat iklim investasi dan gairah bisnis lokal.
Noticed the differences? Now lets add stitches! Your happy with how it turned out? Merge down the layer and save the file ^_^ 8.
Dont forget to color that file XD otherwise the head would look funny X3 You can now check the project you edit from the Body Shop which is located here C: Program Files EA GAMES The Sims 2 Deluxe Base CSBin and import it to your game. Want to see the result 8D it looks. Oh well I hope you get to do something better f(^^: but this is the general idea, you can do the same technique with the rest of the files.
Having the Bluetooth icon in the taskbar notification area enables you to access the Bluetooth settings quickly. This is only possible if you have in built Bluetooth adapter or an add on adapter installed on your computer or laptop. Bluetooth missing in control panel windows 7.
And hope it helped you a little ^_^.